13 research outputs found

    Evolution of Scientific Management Towards Performance Measurement and Managing Systems for Sustainable Performance in Industrial Assets : Philosophical Point of View

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    Even though remarkable progress has been made over recent years in the design of performance measurement frameworks and systems, many companies are still primarily relying on traditional financial performance measures. This paper presents an overview of modern descendents and historical antecedents of performance measurement and attempts to give philosophical definition, in fact addressed the evolution of traditional ways of measuring performance. The paper suggests that modern frameworks have indeed addressed the organizations external to them while satisfying the conditions internal to them and providing an analogy of the notion of kuhn’s scientific paradigm. This analogy is consistent with the fundamental proposition of Kuhnian philosophy of science, that progress only happens thorough successive and abrupt shifts of paradigm

    application of process parameters in planning and technological documentation cnc machine tools and cmms programming perspective

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    Abstract This article focuses on the role and application of process parameters in technological process planning (TPP) and technological documentation (TD). The challenges and complexity involved in computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools and coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) programming have been taken into consideration with reference to the TD. The article presents the use of different programming platforms and implementation of them in technological process planning. The subtractive manufacturing and related measurements that are required during the TPP and TD phase have been taken into consideration. The findings and suggestions enable planners to incorporate the existing programming platforms and tools in the TPP and TD

    Skills management in the optimization of aircraft maintenance processes

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    The aircraft maintenance processes play an important role in a safe operation of an aircraft. Maintenance services organizations take responsibility for the maintenance process and approve the airworthiness of an aircraft after undertaking the maintenance activities. International law determines the quality of aircraft maintenance processes by setting requirements concerning, among other, a quality management system, a safety management system and operators’ competences. As a consequence of the rising number of aircraft in operation, the volume of maintenance activities grows. However, the customers increasingly pose requirements concerning the minimization of the maintenance service lead time. In order to remain competitive, the maintenance service organizations have to reduce the lead time of their services. However, this objective in not easy to attain, since the complexity of aircraft maintenance operations require specific skills and pose a number of organisational and technical constraints to be respected during the maintenance process. In the paper, a mathematical programming model is developed in order to help decision makers in managing the operators’ skills during the operators assignment to the activities to be performed. In particular, the Hall’s marriage theorem is used to formalise complex restrictions of operators assignment to maintenance activities. The objective of the optimization problem is to minimize total makespan time. The model is applied to a case study

    DIG-MAN: Integration of digital tools into product development and manufacturing education

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    General objectives of PRODEM education. Teaching of product development requires various digital tools. Nowadays, the digital tools usually use computers, which have become a standard element of manufacturing and teaching environments. In this context, an integration of computer-based technologies in manufacturing environments plays the crucial and main role, allowing to enrich, accelerate and integrate different production phases such as product development, design, manufacturing and inspection. Moreover, the digital tools play important role in management of production. According to Wdowik and Ratnayake (2019 paper: Open Access Digital Tool’s Application Potential in Technological Process Planning: SMMEs Perspective, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29996-5_36), the digital tools can be divided into several main groups such as: machine tools and technological equipment (MTE), devices (D), internet(intranet)-based tools (I), software (S). The groups are presented in Fig. 1.1. Machine tools and technological equipment group contains all existing machines and devices which are commonly used in manufacturing and inspection phase. The group is used in physical shaping of manufactured products, measurement tasks regarding tools and products, etc. The next group of devices (D) is proposed to separate the newest trends of using mobile and computer-based technologies such as smartphones or tablets and indicate the necessity of increased mobility within production sites. The similar need of separation is in the case of internet(intranet)-based tools which indicate the growing interest in network-based solutions. Hence, D and I groups are proposed in order to underline the significance of mobility and networking. These two groups of the digital tools should also be supported in the nearest future by the use of 5G networks. The last group of software (S) concerns computer software produced for the aims of manufacturing environments. There is also a possibility to assign the defined solutions (e.g. computer programs) to more than one group (e.g. program can be assigned to software and internet-based tools). The main role of tools allocated inside separate groups is to support employees, managers and customers of manufacturing firms focused on abovementioned production phases. The digital tools are being developed in order to increase efficiency of production, quality of manufactured products and accelerate innovation process as well as comfort of work. Nowadays, digital also means mobile. Universities (especially technical), which are focused on higher education and research, have been continuously developing their teaching programmes since the beginning of industry 3.0 era. They need to prepare their alumni for changing environments of manufacturing enterprises and new challenges such as Industry 4.0 era, digitalization, networking, remote work, etc. Most of the teaching environments nowadays, especially those in manufacturing engineering area, are equipped with many digital tools and meet various challenges regarding an adaptation, a maintenance and a final usage of the digital tools. The application of these tools in teaching needs a space, staff and supporting infrastructures. Universities adapt their equipment and infrastructures to local or national needs of enterprises and the teaching content is usually focused on currently used technologies. Furthermore, research activities support teaching process by newly developed innovations. Figure 1.2 presents how different digital tools are used in teaching environments. Teaching environments are divided into four groups: lecture rooms, computer laboratories, manufacturing laboratories and industrial environments. The three groups are characteristic in the case of universities’ infrastructure whilst the fourth one is used for the aims of internships of students or researchers. Nowadays lecture rooms are mainly used for lectures and presentations which require the direct communication and interaction between teachers and students. However, such teaching method could also be replaced by the use of remote teaching (e.g. by the use of e-learning platforms or internet communicators). Unfortunately, remote teaching leads to limited interaction between people. Nonverbal communication is hence limited. Computer laboratories (CLs) usually gather students who solve different problems by the use of software. Most of the CLs enable teachers to display instructions by using projectors. Physical gathering in one room enables verbal and nonverbal communication between teachers and students. Manufacturing laboratories are usually used as the demonstrators of real industrial environments. They are also perfect places for performing of experiments and building the proficiency in using of infrastructure. The role of manufacturing labs can be divided as: • places which demonstrate the real industrial environments, • research sites where new ideas can be developed, improved and tested. Industrial environment has a crucial role in teaching. It enables an enriched student experience by providing real industrial challenges and problems

    Implementing company policies in plant level asset operations: measuring organisational alignment

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    As the world becomes progressively more competitive and globalised, companies need to align their organisation with the market and customers' requirements. Such alignment needs to be based on organisational policies (i.e., strategic objectives, missions and goals) implemented in the products and plant level operations. However, to identify gaps, an integrated approach to measure the organisational alignment is needed. The measurements may be used for the following purposes: (1) to link strategy goals towards daily activities, (2) to identify relevant activities for continuous improvements, (3) to obtain better internal alignment among employees, departments, production locations, etc., and (4) to manage business processes. This paper discusses the measurement of organisational alignment with respect to a company's policies. A generic model for management of the company's alignment is suggested using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The model is demonstrated using a case study performed in an automobile manufacturing plant located in the USA. [Submitted 03 March 2009; Revised 06 July 2009; Accepted 31 August 2009]company policy; organisational alignment; plant-level; asset operations; analytical hierarchy process; AHP; strategy; customer requirements; market requirements; automobile industry; automotive manufacturing.

    Privacy Concern, Data Quality and Trustworthiness of AI-Analytics

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    The present study investigates the role of trustworthiness of data analytics from the data quality and privacy concern perspectives. In addition to the privacy concern of users, we investigated conceptually the requirements and impacts of data quality to the business processes. The goal of the conceptual analyze was to gain more knowledge about the factors affecting to the data quality, its accuracy and business impacts. The privacy concern is a part of data quality. The behavior of users is closely related to the data that they insert to the software systems. The research approach is the case study, that allowed to develop a new understanding of the relationship of privacy concern, data quality and trustworthiness of machine learning. The case study used the abductive qualitative research method, as the study aims to build a new conceptual understanding trustworthiness of AI-based data analytics. Using the iterative research process allowed for developing a deeper understanding while contributing to the conceptual models. The contribution of this paper is to show that data quality affects the trustworthiness of results. The privacy concern is a factor that influences indirectly to the trustworthiness. For the managerial implication, this paper suggests to put special emphasizes to the very first phases of data collection processes where human factors or sensor technological shortages might corrupt the data quality. To sum up, the present study underlines the importance of data quality, reliability and validity in different data categories. Data trustworthiness and data quality evaluation should be included to all marketing and business operations where data is utilized

    Performance assessment of microenterprises operating in the Nordic Arctic region

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    Abstract Microenterprises provide more than 90% of the jobs in the Nordic Arctic region and are the main source of new job creation and innovation. Operations in this region can have many drawbacks related to the long distance from customers, sparse population, and climate conditions that lead to higher operation costs in comparison to other regions. Microenterprises in this region aiming for business growth must therefore pursue operational excellence to achieve a competitive advantage. Microenterprises operations development in resource constrained environment needs special approach. This study assesses the operational excellence of microenterprises in the region through 20 case studies. The performance assessments focused on order–delivery process indicators (production/manufacturing, sourcing, and sales). An operational excellence maturity review (OEMR) tool was developed to collect and analyze the data. Overall, the microenterprises obtained relatively low operational excellence scores. The review done by OEMR tool can inform initiatives for improving the competitiveness of microenterprises and their associated processes in the global market by setting practical metrics and priorities for order–deliver process development